TTT #23: The Books That Got Me Into Reading

This week is GENRE FREEBIE! And I absolutely had a very hard time thinking what kind of genre freebie I'll do. As you've all noticed, if you've been here during the freebie topics, I love giving myself a challenge. But right now, thanks to online classes and work, I'm too swamped with a lot of things to even think of a topic.

So I opted for THE BOOKS THAT GOT ME INTO READING which features books from two of my favorite genres and that is FANTASY and ROMANCE. Take note, some of these books/series aren't a favorite but they do play a part on why I'm the reader I am today. They made me want to pick up more books from their respective genres. They're the books (not all) that aren't really a stellar five-star rating for me, but they kept me interested enough and motivated enough to actually READ READ READ.

I did not include the Harry Potter and Twilight Series because it's kinda predictable at this point. Harry Potter was my childhood but it wasn't the series that made me go "I want to read more of this, I want to have a wall full of books in my room, I wanna visit the bookstore more often, etc." - it made me enjoy reading, yes, but it didn't go beyond that. It was Twilight and The Hunger Games for me. Sadly for the latter, I'm really not into Dystopia.


The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare - I had a phase...
Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - One of my absolute favorites
Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead - Thanks to this series for introducing me to my favorite character of all time: Sydney Katherine Sage

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor - This was like a breath of fresh air for me with all the demons and angels in fantasy
The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa - Oh fairies.. this also introduced me to Julie Kagawa's other books
The Curse Workers Trilogy by Holly Black - This is underrated but it's really good though

How to Love by Katie Cotugno - I didn't exactly loved this but I devoured it
Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson - I made sure I got a physical copy because the book is so cute (it's filled with doodles, pictures, and playlists)
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick - I can't remember much what happened in this book but it did make me want to read more of this author's books

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West - The first Kasie West book I've read
The DUFF by Kody Keplinger - I've reread this multiple times.. didn't bother with the movie though
This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith - 

Wait for You by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Hands down, the book that started making me fall for NA
Sea Breeze Series by Abbi Glines - I actually love this series more than Rosemary Beach
With This Heart by R.S. Grey - This was one of the books I've read that kinda broke my heart when I got more into the romance genre

Dearest Clementine by Lex Martin - Another NA that I adored because the leads were so shippable (it's a word alright)
Fall From Love by Heather London - One of my favorites to this day: a good old college romance withe the right amount of angst and sweetness
With Me in Seattle Series by Kristen Proby - Not my first adult romance series but definitely the first one that caught my interest

What books that made you want to READ READ READ? And what's your topic for this week's Freebie?

With all that's going on,
I hope you're well. Stay safe.



  1. Shadowhunters, VA (and Bloodlines), and Iron Fey are all series I LOVE! And, obviously I have read almost all those contemporaries. This is What Happy Looks Like is my favorite JES book, as Amy & Roger is my favorite Matson and The Distance Between Us is my favorite KWest book. I am all about Cotugno's books. I love them all, though I think 9 Days and 9 Nights might be my favorite right now. And, gah! How amazing were the Garrett's. I loved that family, and would want to live next door with them too

  2. I haven't read the Vampire Academy books yet, but I am enjoy the TV show based on them. I'm on season four of it at the moment.

    My TTT .

  3. I binge-read the TMI series (at least the ones that were written at that point) during a weeklong isolation for cancer treatment and they kept me totally engrossed and entertained. I totally get why those books made you want to read more!

    Happy TTT!


  4. So many great books on here! I'm glad they got you into reading.

  5. I want to try the Vampire academy books! they sound so fun. And Kagawa and Holly Black are two authors I want to try. I've heard Black's fey books are amazing. I've only read one Cotugno book but loved it.

  6. The Lux series. I have so much love for it. It been years since I read Obsidian for the first time but I remembering feeling like I had stumbled on to something special. I've reread the whole series a couple times and my love for Daemon Black is still strong. :) I'm the opposite with the Abbi Glines series, though. I loved the Rosemary Beach series but the Sea Breeze series makes me roll my eyes so hard. LOL I'm still trying to work my through it (I'm actually read #7 right now) but it's taking a while.
