TTT #05: Auto-Buy Authors.. Kind Of

Hmm.. I really don't call it "auto-buy" because no matter how much of a favorite author that is of mine, if the book doesn't sound good or anything I'm interested in, then I won't buy it. But so far, some of these authors got me hooked on their books. I'm a romance-junkie and I enjoy contemporary romance a lot. I've been reading more romance books this year than my other favorite genre which is fantasy.

Note: I love these authors' books however, their books are still a hit or miss from me. Doesn't stop me from reading it though if the blurb sounded good.

She's my number one right now even though her latest release wasn't a favorite. Still, I look forward to every book she's going to release in the future. I'm anticipating the rest of Central Park Pact books.

I love her books and how her stories are both sweet and emotionally-challenging. Archer's Voice is one of my favorite reads this year. Probably also my most favorite book of hers.

03. R.S. GREY
With this Heart was the first book I read and I really loved that book. It's different from her recent works since her recent ones are lighter and more of a rom-com. I don't mind though.

I haven't read their popular Beautiful Bastard series and I plan to get on that soon. I've read their stand-alones and I enjoyed them. I also love how pretty their books' covers are.

I hardly read YA contemporary romance these days but when I do, it's always a Kasie West book. I've read some that I enjoy and some I didn't. Still, I'll always look forward to her upcoming books.

For YA fantasy, it's kind of hard to label these authors as "auto-buy" but I usually enjoy their writing so I don't mind picking up their books... again, depends if it sounds good.

06. Jennifer L. Armentrout - JLA's writing is enjoyable (I love the banter between her main characters A LOT) and I love her Storm and Fury book. I keep mentioning how much I love this book.
07. Marie Lu - The Legend trilogy is one of my favorites ever and I'm looking forward to her upcoming new series.
08. Julie Kagawa - She's an underrated author and so are her books. She writes interesting fantasy books. From faeries to dragons to vampires to demons to Japanese folklore creatures.
09. Cassandra Clare - I'm not really into her books anymore but I really love the The Dark Artifices characters and I plan on continuing the series, and I love the Herondales so I'm looking forward to The Last Hours soon.
10. Marissa Meyer - I loved The Lunar Chronicles. I love Renegades. Her stories fascinate me.

What about you? 
Who are you auto-buy authors? :)



  1. Yes to Lauren Layne!! My fave Kasie West book so far is The Distance Between Us. And RS Grey used to be a favorite. Not anymore.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Aww too bad :(
      But yay to Lauren Layne!! I hardly find fans of her books so it's nice to know someone who does.
      The Distance Between Us was my first Kasie West book but I kinda forgot how it went already because it felt long ago haha.

  2. I really liked The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and I plan on reading Renegades soon!

  3. I like your point about not really auto-buying but still trying their book out. Like you said, sometimes it's a hit or miss for the books. I love your fantasy list, and your contemporary romance list makes me want to try it out. I tried one book from Kasie West but didn't end up finishing it.

    -leelynn @ sometimes leelynn reads

    1. Aww sad. But I get you though. Some of her books are also not my taste. Anyway, glad you agree!

  4. omg I need to read Renegades, I've heard so many good things about it <3

    1. It was pretty enjoyable for me. I mean the main character is antihero and we got people with powers in some kind of academy. It was pretty cool to read.

  5. An honest to goodness auto-buy author is a rare thing for me. They might dabble in a genre I have zero interest in, or write something that truly doesn’t interest me. Even otherwise favorite authors. So I get what you’re saying. Mia Sheridan almost made my list - but really I’ve only read a couple by her so it seemed too soon to call her an auto-buy author. With Christina Lauren, I love what I’ve read but I have zero interest in the older series they started with (Beautiful Bastard?) so that felt kind of like cheating. LOL I really need to try something by R.S. Grey!

    1. I wanna try reading that one only because I have the physical copies of the first book and 2 novellas because they were on sale lol. And my friends were telling me they enjoyed it so I'm going to... also because of my money's worth haha. For R.S. Grey, people loved A Place in the Sun. I haven't read that but you might wanna check it out. My personal favorites are Hotshot Doc, Arrogant Devil, and With this Heart.

  6. I really enjoyed The Lunar Chronicles as well! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Oh yay! I'm happy to know a lot of people enjoyed it as much as I did.

  7. I just saw Kasie West on another list. How cool.

    My TTT.

    1. Yeah it's also a surprise for me seeing her in lots of lists

  8. I've seen Kasie West on a lot of lists today. Although I wouldn't call her an auto-buy author, I've read and enjoyed a number of her books. I love that they're light, clean, and upbeat. That makes them really nice to sandwich in between heavier reads.

    Happy TTT!

    1. My heavier reads are always fantasy books though because you gotta pay attention to the details and the world-building. I squeeze in a contemporary romance book from time to time haha.

  9. Marie Lu and Cassandra Clare almost made my list too!

    My TTT post!

  10. I love Christina Lauren! Haven't read all their books yet, but planning to :) I'm behind on Kasie West too, but also hoping to catch up some day.

  11. Cassie Clare and Jennifer L. Armentrout are two I always end up buying but I wouldn't class them as autobuys for me. (Although Clare probably should have been!)

    I really need to hurry up and read the CL books I have on my kindle. I hear all the good things about them especially Josh & Hazel!

    1. I haven't read Josh & Hazel's Guide to Not Dating but it's one of people's Christina Lauren Favorites so I'm hoping to get into that one soon
